The University of Kansas School of Social Welfare

“I observed New Creation, Inc. during 2018-2019 as part of two research projects. I also had several meetings with Pam Hanson, LSCSW to understand her philosophy and approach to running the organization. Overall, the facilities are exceptionally well maintained and located in a quiet neighborhood. The program used a structured recovery housing model, where residents were provided with written expectations upon intake, motivated to seek employment and further education, and were expected to actively engage in program activities. As part of a metropolitan wide needs assessment, New Creation, Inc. stood out from other recovery housing options.”

- Nancy Jo Kepple, PhD, MSW

Click below to read the entire letter of recommendation.

“In addition to the gift of sobriety and a renewed faith life are the friends and relationships I have made through New Creation. It's these great people who stay in your life that really make the experience the most special.”

- Mark Freeman, Former Resident

  • A very good place. I was in jail for 3 months and got out with just the clothes on my back. Pam let me in and gave me a chance to get my life back on track while staying out of trouble and being a productive member of the community. The living conditions are very nice and always kept up. I was able to get a certificate in web development while here, was able to set goals and given the tools needed to accomplish them. It is not for everybody, but if you are in a tough spot and are tired of going through the motions of addiction. I would highly suggest giving this place a chance and build a life that is worth keeping!!!!!! THANK YOU NEW CREATION!!!!!!!!! :)

    Samuel M.

  • This place is a very positive, amazing place with even more amazing people. I just got out of prison after serving a 15 year sentence. I have never had a job, license, my own place, bank account etc. I am an ex drug user and ex drunk. Since I have been here they have taken care of every need that I have had and helped me to stay on a more positive path. I didn't know what to do when I was released I felt lost. Now my life is on track to be better than it has ever been. Thank you to Pam for being the guiding light that I so much needed and continue to need in my time of uncertainty.

    Andrew C.

  • Pam took me in off the streets when I had nothing but the clothes on my back and a very hard, grueling uphill battle to climb. I was a 20 year on and off IV drug user in a hopeless situation and was able to take advantage of the opportunity the Good Lord, Pam and New Creation gave me to turn my life around. I am still 100% abstinent from all life altering substances today, thanks to the foundation that I built while I was at New Creation. I was able to finally understand the word “surrender” and the concept of God’s will not mine be done. I completely turned my life around and started living for God, I got plugged in with some really good people in recoveries and a variety of ministries that are a major part of my support to this day. I absolutely loved the classes and groups I attended there and learned a lot about myself and recovery. I still come over frequently and visit out of gratitude because who knows where I would be today if I hadn’t come to New Creation. This program is truly what people make of it. If someone honestly wants to change and is willing to put in the effort, this program will truly transform their life. I would recommend (and have recommended) New Creation to anyone who is serious about recovering from their addiction/alcoholism and learning how to live a new life that they never dreamed was possible!!!

    Jason B.

  • New Creation is a very good place to go if you want to better your life and work on your sobriety. Pam the director, is one of the best and she'll treat you like a son. And you'll be surrounded by other men after the same goal, a better life and sobriety. I recommend any gentlemen that want to better their lives to go there to get guidance in the right direction. A good spiritual place.

    Mark F.