Our Story

In 2004, Pam Hanson suffered a sports injury which left her unable to walk, and wheelchair bound for over two years. Prescription medication for the next 12 years helped with the nerve pain and she became dependent on them and the withdrawal was brutal.

Learning to endure, persevere, and overcome has helped Pam understand the complexity of addiction. While volunteering at Healing House in 2016, Pam felt the call from God to help others in recovery and founded New Creation on June 1, 2017.

Since opening, Pam has served as a vessel in which God has done incredible work in the community. Beginning with one house and a handful of guys, New Creation has grown to include nine properties, including six housing locations and one apartment building for our residents, Pam’s house and the New Creation Community Center.

Connor’s Story

During a local church service, Connor Mohr, aged 26, was in attendance when he heard about Pam starting a local faith based recovery program and told his Dad, “I want to help her.” Tragically, Connor died six days later. His family wanted to honor Connor’s memory by helping Pam, so they reached out and helped her get New Creation started. The program is dedicated to the memory of Connor Mohr.

New Creation has established “Connor’s Fund”, an in house collection that is used to help our residents start their new life, clean and sober. Money from Connor’s Fund helps our residents get new phones if they don’t have one, medicine boxes, ID’s, transportation and other essentials to make their transition as smooth as possible.

Our Mission and Vision


New Creation is a faith based therapeutic community helping men to overcome substance use disorders through shared living, implementing evidence based practices and spiritual counseling, along with education to develop life skills to manage stress, anxiety, and depression while restoring hope for a healthier future.


In a fallen world where addictions are rampant, rapidly increasing, and more and more lethal, all people who seek assistance deserve professional, loving care to create a new life; one they want to keep.

New Creation Inc. Board of Directors

Pam Hanson, LSCSW, President

Founder, Executive Director

New Creation, Inc. 

Loretta Springer,

Teague Electric Payroll


Ryan Rink, Secretary, Director


Two West Advisors

Tania Goncalves, Treasurer


Avalon Properties, LLC

Tim Ehinger, Director,

Co-Founder Alpha Lighthouse Ministries

Mike Brouwer, Director

Criminal Justice Coordinator

Lonnie Johnson, Director

Executive Director / CEO

Growth Ministries

New Creation Inc. Advisory Board

Pastor Keith Brock, Attorney at Law, Hope Anthem

Jerry Carden, Director, KC Faithworks

Tim Ehinger, Alpha Lighthouse

Randy George, Village Initiative

Pastor Tom Langhofer, Church of the Resurrection

Dr. Jack Reynolds, KC Faithworks

Anne Timmons, Co-Owner Nick and Jake’s